window.klarnaAsyncCallback = function () { window.Klarna.Payments.Buttons.init({ client_id: "klarna_live_client_ZWx6bkphLS8tN1psaU5yWUVheGtpbE4lVmpRNHV0Y0QsN2Y5OGJiODMtZTZiZC00ZTQ2LTlmMjktNDhkZGRmMjNiZGFiLDEsaTFZODh1N2tGeEFGMHRYaEUyRDNUQXFCYUxYYWl2MVVTYmN5dGdpMzROaz0", }).load( { container: "#container", theme: "default", shape: "default", on_click: (authorize) => { // Here you should invoke authorize with the order payload. authorize( { collect_shipping_address: true }, payload, // order payload (result) => { // The result, if successful contains the authorization_token }, ); }, }, function load_callback(loadResult) { // Here you can handle the result of loading the button }, ); };
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Main stone: 0.55cts Natural demantoid andradite garnet, cinnamon yellow VVS1 clarity grade, round cut, L 4.56mm x W 4.53mm x D 3.04mm, main stone origin Russia
Other stones: 4pcs Natural white zircon 1.3mm round cut
Metal: Choose the metal
Item dimensions: depends on ring size

More about main stone:
Birthstone: February, June, May, January, November, September, October
Zodiac: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius

Natural demantoid andradite garnet 925 Silver / Gold/ Platinum ring

Color: naranja
    • Please note, the picture is taken of the unfinished item. It will be finished on order. The item will be glossy polished & if present claws will be cut & tightly set.
    • EVGAD Jewellery certificate of item authenticity will be provided.
    • Photos of the item on the mannequin shouldn't be taken as an accurate representation of the item on your body. We are all different , so please read carefully the item description & measurments.
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