window.klarnaAsyncCallback = function () { window.Klarna.Payments.Buttons.init({ client_id: "klarna_live_client_ZWx6bkphLS8tN1psaU5yWUVheGtpbE4lVmpRNHV0Y0QsN2Y5OGJiODMtZTZiZC00ZTQ2LTlmMjktNDhkZGRmMjNiZGFiLDEsaTFZODh1N2tGeEFGMHRYaEUyRDNUQXFCYUxYYWl2MVVTYmN5dGdpMzROaz0", }).load( { container: "#container", theme: "default", shape: "default", on_click: (authorize) => { // Here you should invoke authorize with the order payload. authorize( { collect_shipping_address: true }, payload, // order payload (result) => { // The result, if successful contains the authorization_token }, ); }, }, function load_callback(loadResult) { // Here you can handle the result of loading the button }, ); };
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Main stone: 1.05ct Natural Royal blue ray star sapphire L 6.89mm x W 5.17mm x D3.7mm, main stone origin, Madagascar
Natural dark blue star sapphires are very dark in colour and under some pure light could look like black. Asterism (star) in natural stones are visible only under bright light or torch light, so please make sure that the stone will look different in different lights on your hand. If you have more questions, or need more pictures please contact.

Other stones: N/A
Metal: choose the metal
Item dimensions: depend on ring size

More about main stone:
Birthstone: October, September
Zodiac: Aquarius, Virgo, Libra

1.55ct Natural Royal blue ray star sapphire 925 Silver / Gold/ Platinum ring

Color: Azul
    • Please note, the picture is taken of the unfinished item. It will be finished on order. The item will be glossy polished & if present claws will be cut & tightly set.
    • EVGAD Jewellery certificate of item authenticity will be provided.
    • Photos of the item on the mannequin shouldn't be taken as an accurate representation of the item on your body. We are all different , so please read carefully the item description & measurments.
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